Tailored Workplace Training

Tailored workplace training services can improve the efficiency of the workforce. Training solutions for companies come in many forms, including classroom based training, work experience based or on-the-job training and employee development courses. Training solutions provide companies with specific programs to address a particular set of skills, or to train employees on new skills. Training services can also include professional development courses for management and other managers, as well as specially developed training services to address areas of expertise for senior management. In addition to tailored courses for specific departments and positions, some training services may offer generic courses that are suitable for companies of any size.

The effectiveness of tailored workplace training has been proven to be increased when it is delivered in a supportive and comprehensive manner. Companies that make use of services come to understand their employees as real people with real needs. These services enable us to build a strong foundation that supports each individual employee through personalized communication and tailored learning sessions. It empowers employees by giving them the ability to decide their own course of action. Such leadership is critical to a company's success.

A part-time program designed to enhance employees' skills is a very good way to build recruitment and retention strategies. Such programs also improve employees' employment opportunities. When part-time programs are delivered via a tailored workplace training consultancy, companies get to learn about employees while they are completing their studies. An important part of the program involves building recruitment strategies that will see the best candidates for open jobs being filled. In turn, this improves the efficacy of recruitment initiatives and the quality of available job opportunities.

According to a survey conducted by an independent consultancy firm in UK, almost half of the companies in the UK use at least one training course of some description. In fact, more than a third of all employers use some form of recruitment software to identify their talent pool and place job ads. Among the most common software used is the one-to-many workforce scheduling software that places job openings and estimated read time alerts in customizable lists. This reduces the time spent monitoring recruitment and eliminates inaccurate estimates of expected employee read time.

According to estimates from an industry research survey conducted in UK, nine out of ten organisations use workforce management systems to manage their resources. Of these, more than eight out of ten use workforce management software to schedule appointments with prospective candidates, track training details and identify gaps in their skill sets. This reduces the time spent searching for potential candidates, interviewing them and then training them. According to the same research report, a survey of IT recruitment specialists revealed that most of these recruitment experts believed that it was easier to find suitable candidates using the online resources of recruitment agencies.

Using a one-to-many approach with workplace training courses is said to be more efficient and effective when it comes to finding and attracting top talent. According to the same study, this strategy is more effective when used to promote and recruit not just staff but executives and senior-level managers as well. In other words, these recruitment agencies are able to fill positions in fewer hours with less effort as compared to traditional methods of recruitment and hiring. According to studies, companies that use these types of workforce planning systems have experienced a 3.5 percent reduction in the average number of hours per employee per month. This translates to an extra ninety-two hours per month which translates to twelve thousand hours per year, saving the organisation an estimated six hundred thousand man hours, or about six hundred million hours of labour.

Tailored workplace learning is especially popular in the health care industry where there is a high turnover of employees and limited opportunity to train new employees in the field of clinical skills and knowledge. As a result of the limited opportunity for learning within the medical profession, professional development and continuing education training programmes within health care institutions have been developed over the last decade to create and sustain a long-term relationship between the professionals and the employees of the health care institution. A health care institution is able to retain the best workers by tailoring the training and development programmes that it offers to its employees. Tailored workplace learning can therefore be seen as an important part of the recruitment process for doctors, nurses, other professionals working in the healthcare sector and management professionals.